Friday, April 24, 2020

Presidents and First Ladies

James Madison a.k.a. Alex

Abigail Adams a.k.a. Kate

Franklin Roosevelt a.k.a. Mateo

Monday, March 23, 2020


Kate is helping start the family garden. 

How cool is this?!
I am sure it was an important appointment because Mrs. Hannah is VERY busy and does not have time to meet with every child in Lower School!

Thank you, Kate, for this creative fact organization idea!

Emerson's new puppy Rayne (Rain)

She is so cute and will grow into those ears eventually.

Brynn and younger sister, Leah, enjoying the sunshine!

Maddie's Masterpiece

Caroline is always ready to learn!

Obviously, taken of Lucas before the cold and rain came back and when the weather was super nice over the weekend.

Zoom P. E. class

Oh, Jaxson, you are so silly!


Toby loves his blankets, his naps,
and having "mom" home all the time!

In a short time, Toby has gotten quite spoiled
and wants Ms. Elliott's undivided attention all the time!

Our favorite spot to walk and stop to enjoy nature.
Toby especially loves to watch the water moving
and ducks swimming by.

Ava and her dog cuddling.

Claire and Jane enjoying a dance as
President Harrison and Ellen Wilson.

Remote Piano Lessons

Roblox virtual playdate with a friend.
arts and crafts time
Mateo and his dad doing what they love.


Homeschooling done right! 
 Time to spend more time learning how the real world works.

An old tv screen makes a really great monitor! Now Lucas can see everything better.
Thanks for problem-solving and being an inspiration Smallwood family!

BRYNN got her braces off last week and 
she is thrilled to show off her beautiful smile!

Miss that precious smile!

Kate and Cookie (the other Cat)

Friday, March 20, 2020

Toby's Tails...get it? Toby's Tales ;)

Napping on the front porch

Toby likes to dig holes to lay in the mulch underneath bushes.

My neighbor's magnolia tree's shade, along with a lovely breeze, helped Toby be safe and comfortable outside all day when it was in the 70's... even with that double-layered thick fur coat of his!